
Sado Yasutora

Cover Me In Colors Part 1

An AU where everyone has wings but they’re hidden unless willingly shown. Most people leave them out with pride, but some hide them away. Because each feather is a thought someone has had about you where they were thinking of nothing but you, and to some, this is a beautiful experience. For Kisuke, his wings …
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Kaito&Ishida&Ichigo&Orihime&Chad&Tatsuki: Platonic Soulmate AU + Curses

Kaito/Ishida/Ichigo/Orihime/Chad/Tatsuki: Platonic Soulmate AU & Curses anonymous It’s barely a month after being named Kaito that he notices it. Fresh from a shower and just barely comfortable with his new looks, he pauses to glance at maybe-himself and— Leans forward, staring into the mirror — into the face of an almost-stranger — and carefully brushes …
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Negotiated Rights Part 1

Uryuu put the finishing touches on the chalk circle and stepped back to give it a look. Everything seemed to be in order, the lines neat and clean, the focusing items set in their place, and nothing in the way. It was just like he remembered his grandfather showing him. (He’d even snuck back into …
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Chad/Uryuu: Bodyguard AU + Magical Accidents

14 Bodyguard AU + 99 Magical Accidents Chad/Uryuu – cherfleur Yasutora carefully controls his expression as he helps Uryuu up from the stone floor, ignoring his employer’s bedraggled state in favor of assuring himself that the trap didn’t cause any injury. Neither of them had spotted it until it blazed to life and lashed out …
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DE: Christmas Fluff Part 5

“Alright, food!” Chad looked up from his new book at Jinta’s shout and blinked at the sight of Tsukabishi carrying a large platter stacked with fried chicken. He leaned forward to help clear off a spot on the table, bemused at the idea of Shinigami following such a silly ‘tradition’ when they probably remembered the …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 2

Ichigo led them through the corridors of the Guild Hall, hoping his memory of the Chiming Bones’ location was correct. It was one thing to see the endless halls of doorways through a screen and another to walk those halls, each identical to the last. It was a disorienting maze larger than he’d ever dreamed …
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Sentai AU Part 2

“Well that could have gone better,” Tatsuki announced dryly as their missing teammate flew away without a backwards glance. “Yeah. Could have gone worse though,” Ichigo agreed, turning away from Kingfisher’s vanishing form and looking the rest of his team over. They were all varying states of exhausted from two difficult battles less than a …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 1

“Ichi-nii, Ichi-nii! Ichi-nii! Please wake up…” Ichigo groaned and forced his eyes open, staring up at the bright blue sky— Blue sky? He jerked upright. Absently caught Yuzu as she toppled backwards. Came face-to-face with a human-sized cat— “Ichi-nii?” the cat — Karin, oh kami that was Karin — asked, pale ears back and copper …
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Baku Erich Part 9

Erich waits patiently in a corner of Sado’s main room, dozing off and on as he waits for Kurosaki to arrive. Sado is less patient despite looking calm, his aura rippling with so many emotions Erich cannot decipher them. It’s understandable, of course. They’re about to drop quite a bombshell on Kurosaki all at once, …
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Baku Erich Part 8

The sound of voices rouses Erich from his nap and he cocks an ear to listen, not bothering to lift his head or open his eyes. The words are too indistinct to make out but the tone carries through the closed door easily enough; the conversation seems uncomfortable, not that Erich can blame them. He’s …
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Misfits AU: Werewolf Erich Part 2

By the time they made it to the village square, where Orihime had set up her shields to defend everyone and was now healing those few who had become wounded, the wolf was already there. One of the villagers was kneeling on the ground, her arms wrapped tight around the wolf and face buried in …
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