

Dragon-Quincy AU Part 16

Erich watched the supposed healer as she left, tracking her motion until she finally returned inside and he could relax once more. (Healer she might be now, but…) (He recognized another predator when he saw one.) The good news was that she was on his side, at least for now. The bad news was that …
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Dragon-Quincy AU Part 15

Retsu found Rerugen right where Ukitake had said he’d be, leaning against the deck railing and staring down into the water. She doubted he was actually watching them based on his how still his head was, but he was probably using the motion as a form of meditation. His folded wings and lax tail gave …
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Dragon-Quincy AU Part 14

Retsu strode up the long path to the Ugendo, forcing back her concern in order to keep a clear mind. She didn’t know what she would find upon entering Ukitake’s home, but the fact that he hadn’t immediately reported to the Fourth and Kyoraku hadn’t dragged him to the Fourth was either a budding problem …
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Dragon-Quincy AU Part 13

“I’m going to head back in,” Ukitake said after a long stretch of silence. He pushed away from the railing and gathered Erich’s plate and chopsticks up, flashing a soft smile at Erich as he did. “Stay out here as long as you like, I don’t mind. I’ll make sure there’s food in the kitchen …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 7.5: Those Left Behind

Kisuke trailed after Isshin as the man walked, stiff-backed and purposeful, up the stairs of an apartment complex and down the hall. He wasn’t certain who they were going to visit — Isshin had just told him to ‘follow him’ — but he couldn’t sense any traces of reiatsu outside of Kurosaki Ichigo’s in the …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 6

“Ayumu-san! Ayumu-san! Look what I found!” Jun cried as he darted into camp. Sho looked up from the harness repair he was doing, curious what had caught his son’s interest. Hanae and Jun had decided to ‘help’ Ayumu by scavenging sticks and feathers from the cleared zone for the Adventurer to turn into arrows. Their …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 5

Uryuu sighted down his arrow. Adjusted his aim. Fired. The lone goblin shrieked. Fell. Faded into a swirl of light. “I got it!” Hanae shouted as she hopped down from the seat of the wagon and darted over to the little pile of treasure the defeated monster had left behind. Uryuu nocked another arrow and …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 4

Uryuu drifted through Akiba’s center, his aimless path meandering through the familiar-unfamiliar streets as he tried to make sense of it all. A night of sleep had changed nothing: he was still trapped within the world of a game, lost and alone and helpless despite his character’s strength. None of it felt real. None of …
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Dragon-Quincy AU Part 12

Jyuushiro smiled at the friendship that Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia shared; their friendly bickering and the silent gestures that indicated how well they knew each other was adorable. He didn’t miss how Kurosaki took care to subtly rearrange the dishes so Kuchiki could reach something easier, or the way he did the same with …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 3.5: Those Left Behind

“Urahara Kisuke, what have you done with my children?!” Isshin roared as he charged into the shoten. Kisuke covered his frown with his fan and dodged Isshin’s lunge, mind scrambling to determine what Isshin was shouting about. Aizen remained undiscovered in Soul Society and there’d been no sign of particularly dangerous Hollows in years; as …
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Dragon-Quincy AU Part 11

Ichigo ascended the steps to the old fashioned home and knocked on the door, hoping that he’d followed Unohana-sensei’s directions correctly and that she was right about where Rerugen had taken everyone. For such a large being, Rerugen had thoroughly vanished from sight; perhaps he was a shapeshifter like Yoruichi, because he certainly wasn’t lingering …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 3

Michiyo looked up from his book at the sound of footsteps that halted abruptly. Kuro stood frozen in the doorway of the sitting room, staring at Michiyo like a deer in headlights. He looked like he’d just woken from sleep, his hair mussed and everything Adventurer about him discarded in favor of casual wear. “Kuro-san?” …
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Dragon-Quincy AU Part 10

“Well… been a long while since I’ve been kidnapped like a princess,” Shunsui said as they were gently released from the Dragon’s — from Rerugen’s — grip. Rerugen arched his neck and snorted, lips curling in a way that Shunsui was going to take as amused for the sake of his heart. “You’re pretty, but …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 2

Ichigo led them through the corridors of the Guild Hall, hoping his memory of the Chiming Bones’ location was correct. It was one thing to see the endless halls of doorways through a screen and another to walk those halls, each identical to the last. It was a disorienting maze larger than he’d ever dreamed …
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As Worlds Overlap Part 1

“Ichi-nii, Ichi-nii! Ichi-nii! Please wake up…” Ichigo groaned and forced his eyes open, staring up at the bright blue sky— Blue sky? He jerked upright. Absently caught Yuzu as she toppled backwards. Came face-to-face with a human-sized cat— “Ichi-nii?” the cat — Karin, oh kami that was Karin — asked, pale ears back and copper …
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