beneath the cherry trees Part 1

The moon rises late in the afternoon, pulling Erich away from his paperwork with a rush of silver-bright power. It settles in his bones and rushes through his blood, and between one breath and the next his body changes, flowing into quicksilver mist that swirls downward, condenses

He takes a breath. Tastes the familiar scents of family-friends-pack and the unfamiliar scents of new home-new territory-new country. Gives himself a shake to settle into fur-paws-tail and huffs a sigh.

(He’d hoped to finish before moonrise, but…)

(Clearly he’d underestimated what was left to be done.)

Erich casts a despairing glance at his desk, then turns away and pads to his office door, rearing up to carefully press the handle down. The door swings open and he drops back to all fours, stepping out into the hallway beyond.

Someone howls, bright-cheerful-playful, and other voices answer, a chorus of come play / come chase / come explore that tugs at Erich’s heart.

(How long has it been since he’s had time to just be?)

(How many moons has it been since he’s had a chance to spend time with his pack in wolf form?)

“Erich,” Gregor Beltz greets him as he walks into the sitting room, setting aside his book and smiling faintly at the sight of him. “Sorry, I lost track of time. Do you want me to call you back?”

Erich hesitates, glancing back at his office in consideration; he has work that needs to be done that he shouldn’t be putting off, but…

The chorus of howls rises once more. He can hear Alexis’ voice amongst them, her cry soaring above the others, and he wants… he wants…

Gregor laughs and leans back in his chair. “Go on, off with you. I don’t have to be one of you to know that someone’s waiting for you.”

He snaps his jaws at his former aide in annoyance, then stalks off to the sound of laughter.

(Oh for the brief time when the man was actually afraid of him!)

(Though… he wouldn’t have been able to manage the latter days of the war without him, so…)

(He supposes Gregor gets a pass.)

Erich steps outside and cocks his head, ears twitching as he listens

More howls, question-impatience-sadness, and he spins towards them. Lifts his head. Howls.

The chorus starts up again, joy-surprise-excitement, and he weaves his voice with theirs. Sings as he hasn’t let himself in forever, reveling in a chance to be with his pack, to join in with their moonrise antics.

Wolves come galloping around the building, Alexis’ black and cream form leading the way, and Erich barks a laugh, darting away from Alexis’ lunge. He dips into a play bow, sees Alexis reciprocate, and immediately lunges

Alexis eels away like a leaf in the wind. Barks out a taunt. Turns tail and runs with their pack on her heels and Erich close behind.

(He’s not letting her get away so easily!)

Wind whips through his fur as he puts on a burst of speed, muscles warming and claws digging into the hard ground as he races after his mate and their pack. He bounds over rocks and roots, cuts across a river-bend that Alexis goes around, and slowly gains ground.

(His blood is singing and his mind is clear at last.)

(The air tastes like freedom.)

(He never wants to forget this again.)

(Never again.)

The moon is high and the sun is long gone by the time the chase ends and the rest of their pack drifts away back home. They’ve covered a good portion of their new territory, investigating the boundaries and hidden nooks along the way, and now he and Alexis are alone, the energy of moonrise burnt away and a quiet calm settling over them as they lope along.

He’ll regret staying out so late in the morning, he suspects, but for now… for now all he cares about is Alexis at his side and the breeze in his face. Nocturnal animals call out in the distance, unique cries that he has yet to learn, but otherwise the countryside is blessedly peaceful.

(They’ve built their new home in Japan away from everyone, just like their ancestors had done in Europe.)

(Wolves are no one’s favorite neighbor, after all, and the less chance for mistakes the better.)

Erich scents the air and slows his pace, turning away from the game trail they’ve been following to weave through the trees. He steps out onto a low cliff overlooking a village and stares down at the dark homes as Alexis comes to stand at his side.

He… doesn’t remember there being a village in this direction.

How odd.

Alexis whuffs and steps closer to the cliff edge, peering down at what’s below them even as Erich stretches out his senses—

And immediately flinches back, eyes squeezing shut and ears back as he tries to bring his senses back under control. There’s a disorienting swirl of power laid across the village, moon-silver and dawn-red and blossom-pink, so thick he can almost taste it. The power feels… different than he’s used to, so heavily natural that it takes his breath away, so heady that he already feels drunk, already feels stronger-faster-bolder despite not taking a single fragment into himself just yet—

(If only sensing this village’s power has brought him to this point… what will happen if he draws some of that intoxicating power into himself?)

(Oh, he wants…)

Erich yelps, stumbling to the side as Alexis slams her shoulder into his. He blinks his eyes open and stares at her blankly, trying to think, trying to process

His mind moves like molasses.

Alexis darts closer. Nips his ear, sharp-bright-shocking pain dragging him from the power’s lure. It’s like a bucket of ice cold water across his body, and he gives himself a shake, trying to settle back into his skin.

The look she gives him is concerned, and she presses forward to start herding him away from the village but he plants his feet. Shakes his head. Refuses to budge.

(There’s something that tells him they’ll be lucky to find this village again.)

(Something that tells him if they don’t investigate right now, they will never find their answers.)

Alexis grumbles and looks away, back at the village and the gigantic tree arching over it. She feels it too, he knows she does. Whatever has allowed such a concentration of power to form, it’s protecting the village below them. There’s nothing concerning about it, besides how unusual it is, but… it’s curious.

(It makes him want to know…)

Erich takes a cautious step towards the edge of cliff, keeping his attention on Alexis as he moves, step by step, closer towards the way down. The look she sends him is all exasperation-love-acceptance, even as she heaves a sigh and follows him all the way up to very edge.

They pause there, staring down at the long drop. It’s not precisely difficult for them, given their abilities, but if they manage to wake any of the villagers they won’t be able to escape this way. Not without giving away that they’re more than normal wolves.

The sensible thing to do, Erich knows, is to turn back. Whether or not they can find the village a second time, right now is a terrible time to investigate an unknown place all by themselves. At most, they should remain on the edges, accustoming themselves to the weight and purity of power contained in the village, but…

He’s tired of doing the sensible thing.

The village doesn’t feel dangerous, just… overwhelming.

They’ll be fine.

He sends Alexis a challenging look. Gathers himself…

And leaps over the edge.

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