Baku Erich Part 3

The week passes both too slow and too fast.

Erich and Alexis continue their rounds. The teens continue their restless, broken sleep. The man continues to watch.

But there are other visitors. Kitsune linger just within his senses, their curiosity piqued by his visit to their kami. Sometimes he even catches sight of a snow-white tail or paw, vanishing just before he arrives.

Why the myōbu are investigating the teens he does not know, but he hopes the sight of the teens will sway their favor. None of them are doing well, though they are doing better, and… that’s all Erich can hope for at this moment.

The boy with fire-orange hair does not worsen, his soul held together at last by fragments of Alexis and Erich woven together, but neither is he getting better. He bleeds and bleeds but he does not heal, and nothing he or Alexis does seems to truly help.

But finally it is time.

They make their way back to the shrine. Trade power for inari-zushi. Settle at the altar and bow their heads.

::You have returned. Good,:: the male myōbu speaks.

The female yips softly, drawing their gaze to her. ::Inari Ōkami has heard your words and has made a decision.:: She twists around and grabs something from her side then drops it in front of Erich.

He reaches out and carefully touches it with a paw. It’s soft as down, perfectly round, and shimmers with a rainbow of colors as he nudges it about.

::You will use that to heal your wounded boy,:: the male informs them. ::But listen carefully to our words or else you will do him more harm than good.::

Alexis sits up, ears perked and body alert. ::We are listening.::

::Good.:: The female looks between them, then nods once. ::You will give him a piece no bigger than a grain of rice twice a day.::

::Immediately after you devour his first nightmare of the evening and shortly before dawn,:: the male explains.

::You will mix the grain with the power you gain from his nightmares and a fragment of your Selves.:: The female turns to stare at Erich, and says, ::You will be the one who devours the first nightmare and gives him the first grain.::

::And you,:: the male continues, looking at Alexis, ::will do the same before the dawn.::

The female yips again and leans forward, pressing her nose against Erich’s head between and just above his eyes, then darts over and does to the same to Alexis. ::You will rest it there on his head,:: she says in explanation, ::and let it sink into his body.::

::Not into his soul?:: Erich wonders.

The male’s ears flatten against his skull. ::No. He must heal himself or there will always be a fragility to his soul. This will give him strength, give his essence the pattern required for healing, but little more. It is up to his body to integrate that strength and begin the process.::

Erich shares a glance with Alexis, then looks down at the orb under his paw. His tail twitches. The orb is strangely familiar, and he can feel the power lurking within it.

::Is that…:: Alexis looks up at the female, then relaxes when she swishes her tail around to show a similar orb tucked into her fur. The male follows suit, displaying his own. ::Then whose..?::

::The boy’s,:: the male answers with a nod. ::Inari Ōkami provided the core and we a touch of our power, and now we give it to you that you may use it to heal the boy.::

Erich stills and eyes the orb in wonder. He has a hoshi no tama under his paw, a gift from Inari Ōkami and two of her divine messengers.

::What did he do?:: Alexis breathes, staring up at the two myōbu in wonder. ::This… this is a gift beyond our expectations. We cannot repay—::

::We need no repayment,:: the male says firmly.

The female nods in agreement, expression serious and body held proudly. ::The boy you came to us to aid, he is a selfless child who wounded himself standing between a power-mad conquerer and the worlds. He is kind and courteous, and shows respect though he cannot see into shinkai.::

Erich suspects that inability will not last, not with a divine blessing intended for the boy under his paw. The more of the hoshi no tama they give to the boy, the stronger his connection to the kami will become. And the stronger his connection, the more likely he will be able to look beyond his world to see within shinkai, the world of the kami.

The world where they all hide these days, kami and yokai alike.

(He wonders how the boy will take it. Will he remain kind and courteous, or will he turn angry, furious at the taking of his humanity?)

(Because he knows now, with such a Gift beneath his paw, that there is no way the boy will escape this with his humanity intact.)

Erich huffs a sigh and carefully takes the hoshi no tama in his mouth. It rests oddly within his jaws, and he quickly bends his body to set it within the tuft of fur at the tip of his tail. It stays no matter how he swishes his tail and, temporarily satisfied with the safety of the gift, he turns back to the myōbu and stretches his body into a deep bow.

::I thank you for this gift,:: he says. ::Please, convey my deep gratitude and thanks to Inari Ōkami as well.::

::We will,:: the female assures him. ::Take care to follow our instructions, and bring him to see us when he is well.::

::We will,:: Alexis says.

The myōbu make pleased noises and then, as abruptly as they arrived, they are gone.

Alexis straightens first and nudges him up. ::Come on, we need to get back.::

::I… yes. We do.:: Erich rises to his feet and casts a look at the hoshi no tama tucked within his tail-fur. ::We should find a better way to carry it, as well. Power like this…::

::Tuck it beneath your chin?:: Alexis suggests. She moves forward and carefully plucks the orb from his tail with her trunk, then presses it into the hollow of his throat and lets go.

The orb remains in place, and, though it feels odd to carry something there, Erich feels more comfortable with it there than on his tail. He is no kitsune, able to disguise it with illusions, nor is he connected to it to know it’s whereabouts. If it is stolen from him — from them — he doubts they will ever find it again.

Gift situated at last, he turns away from the altar and begins the journey back, Alexis matching him step for step.

They will do it.

They will heal this boy who Inari Ōkami looks upon with kindness.

They will not falter and they will not fail.

(They cannot afford to do either.)

1 thought on “Baku Erich Part 3”
  1. of course Ichigo gets another hybridization, thats his thing : D
    better hope Kisuke doesn’t catch a glimpse of the rainbow orb, he might draw the wrong conclusions…

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